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Financial Assistance For Individuals With Disabilities

1. Fundraising For Uninsured Expenses

1.1. Fundraising Words of Caution

Personal Fundraising Words of Caution

Donations that are given directly to an individual and not through a registered charity are not tax deductible.

Be sure to let people know at the outset that any donation they make is going to an individual and not to a non-profit organization and therefore there is no tax benefit for them. If at all possible, try to locate a non-profit organization who will fund raise and receive donations on your behalf. By doing so, donors may receive a tax benefit, but please check your state's tax laws.

Most non-profits are aware of the tax laws and can guide you on this issue. Your area probably has a number of non profit foundations and community organizations that have experience in helping individuals raise funds. Try to locate one of these organizations.

Here is some personal fundraising advice from the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office. Your state is probably similar but please check with your state's Attorney General's Office prior to undertaking a personal fundraising campaign.

"Fundraising for a specific individual is not considered to be charitable fundraising, since the public at large does not benefit. Therefore, fundraising for a specified individual is not subject to the registration and filing requirements imposed on charitable organizations. No matter what you choose to call your fundraising activity, it is not considered a charitable activity if it benefits only a specific individual or individuals. Donors to your fundraising campaign are essentially making a gift to the beneficiary."

If your personal fundraising efforts include raffle tickets, a lottery, or games of chance, you should definately check with your state's Attorney General's Office and Internal revenue service. Most states have very strict laws regarding these types of activities.

1.2. Help Hope Live-Fundraising After Catastrophic Injury or Disease Onset

Help Hope Live supports community-based fundraising for people with unmet medical expenses and related costs due to cell and organ transplants or catastrophic injuries and illnesses. These efforts play a critical role in helping clients access the care and equipment they need to heal, live, and thrive.

Unlock a powerful and safe way to raise funds for medical needs with Help Hope Live. They provide one-on-one fundraising guidance, a customizable Campaign Page, bill pay support, and additional benefits based on their 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.

Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center, Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
p: 800-642-8399
f: 610-535-6106
w: helphopelive.org  
e: support@helphopelive.org

1.3. Funding Sources Directory for iPads and other Mobile Devices


BridgingApps has created a funding source directory or iPads and mobile devices.  We have received many questions from the BridgingApps community about how to get a device funded. We have begun to compile a list of organizations that grant iPads and similar devices to families who have children with special needs. Please use this list as a guide to explore ways to find such funding.

2. Grants for People With A Disability

2.1. Available Grants For People With A Disability

There are a number of available grants for people with a disability. All of the organizations have certain qualifying standards that the grant applicant will have to meet. Most have limits on the amount of funding they will provide. It is suggested that you contact the organization directly to get full information on their available grants, qualifying criteria, and process for applying. Please note that some grants are only available to individuals residing in certain countries or states and people suffering for certain conditions listed. Therefore, please make sure to check all the details before applying. 

Adaptive Sports Equipment Grants

Challenged Athletes Foundation's Access for Athletes Grants
Steps in where rehabilitation and health insurance end by providing funding grants for adaptive sports equipment such as sports wheelchairs, handcycles, mono skis and sports prosthetics, and resources for training and competition expenses directly to physically challenged individuals. Access for Athletes surmounts financial impediments to participation in sports, ensuring that challenged athletes are not left on the sidelines because they can't afford expensive equipment or training costs. The grant cycle period runs from September 1 - November 3. 
Phone - 858-866-0959
Email - cafgrants@challengedathletes.org

GoHawkeye Enabling Grant Program
(970) 519-1439‬
The grant program is open to adaptive individuals and organizations in the United States and consists of adaptive sports equipment and sports experience grants. The grant cycle is biannual ending May 1 and November 1.
Phone - 970-519-1439
Email - hawkeye@gohawkeye.com 

IM ABLE Foundation
IM ABLE Grants are awarded to disabled individuals, providing hand-cycles and other adaptive athletic gear, as well as instructional training programs for those in need. Our purpose is to unleash the potential in physically challenged children and adults to be more active, enjoy the benefits of physical fitness, and spend more time in the great outdoors.
Phone - 877-595-3505
Email - info@imablefoundation.org

Kelly Brush Foundation
Individual Grant Program awards grants to individuals with paralysis due to a spinal cord injury (SCI). The purpose of the individual grant program is to increase participation in adaptive sports and recreation activities and improve the quality of life for individuals living with SCI. Allows disadvantaged individuals with SCI to purchase adaptive sporting equipments such as a mono ski or a hand cycle. In order for an individual to qualify for the grant he or she must be living in the United States and must supply the Foundation with information about their spinal cord injury, details on their source of income, and a description of the type of equipment they are seeking. The grant cycle is biannual, for spring the deadline is April and for fall the deadline is September. 
Phone - 802-846-5298
Email - info@kellybrushfoundation.org

Assistive Technology Grants

Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC ) 
AT, DME, Home mods, Ramps, Vehicle mods in Georgia with a strong network of volunteers and partners, FODAC provides refurbished equipment and services for adults and children with disabilities to improve their overall quality of life. Over the years, our model to assist individuals with disabilities has remained the same: to provide free or low-cost wheelchairs and other durable medical equipment, vehicle and home adaptations and more. AT, DME are shipped nationwide. Above all, our staff is like a family that works together to make every day a little easier, and a little more affordable, for people in need.
Phone - 770-491-9014, 866-977-1204
Fax - (770) 491-0026 

I Got Legs Foundation
We create opportunities to transform lives for people with physical challenges
NEED LEGS Campaign requirements: Any US resident individuals with a permanent physical disability requiring the use of mobility technology are eligible to apply. There is no age requirement. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and may be required to provide documentation. Given limited resources, special emphasis will be given to projects that concern mobility technology (e.g. robotic exoskeletons, prosthetics, adaptive technologies for homes/vehicles, etc.) Eligible items:  wheelchairs, vehicle modifications (i.e., hand controls or lifts), small home modifications including bath, ramp, and lift installations, computers, bed/mattress, shower chairs and lifts.
PLEASE NOTE:Grants are not available towards the purchase of new or used vans; funds are available ONLY for vehicle modifications. Grants are disbursed directly to suppliers of the desired equipment or modifications, not to grantees. 
Email - info@igotlegs.org

Tyler Schrenk Foundation
The Tyler Schrenk Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving lives through the promotion and distribution of assistive technologies (AT). The world assistive technologies (AT) can be overwhelming and unfamiliar. The Tyler Schrenk Foundation helps people in need navigate this world by providing resources through our website, hosting 1:1 consultations, and even donating AT through our grant programs for those unable to afford it. 
Email - info@thetsf.org

The Demonstrating Independence Program Grant
The demonstrating independence grant will provide one or more recipients quarterly with technologies that can help them become more independent. This could look like helping someone control their lights by voice, TV by voice or a way for someone without arm movement to control their cell phone. To apply for this grant, please go to our apply page and fill in your information as well as selecting the demonstrating independence grant selection. The recipients of this grants will find out at the beginning of each quarter if they have been selected.
Email - info@thetsf.org 

Wheels of Happiness
WOH was created to support spinal cord injury survivors and people with motor disabilities in disadvantaged communities around the world and help people with disabilities become independent and reintegrate. WOH provides people with medical equipments, supplies, scholarships, psychological help and inspiration to make them independent and productive. By doing this, we believe that everybody wins. The foundation is funded by the help of corporate and individual donors and by special events. Country list includes: USA, Latin America and some countries in Africa.
Contact form - https://wheelsofhappiness.org/contact/

General or Multipurpose Grants

Be Perfect SCI Foundation
BP provides direct financial and emotional aid to individuals living with paralysis by providing resources, paying for medical expenses, restoring hope, and encouraging personal independence through non-traditional methods for exercise-based therapy. BP promotes a holistic, exercise-based therapy approach to recovery. BP offers scholarships for activity-based therapy at The Perfect Step to qualified recipients. We also provide supplemental funds to those who cannot afford: wheelchairs, car adaptations, high medical bills, general daily medical necessities.
Phone - 909-621-9309
Email - support@beperfectfoundation.org

Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation
Their goal is to find a cure for paralysis through funding the latest in medical research and to provide assistance to those that suffer from neurological disorders. Typical charitable grants to individuals have provided home and transportation accessibility assistance to those living with mobility disabilities with preference purpose going to those living with spinal cord injury. Other adaptive equipment such as shower chairs or computers are considered as well. Also award scholarships both for the spring and fall semesters to individuals that are either suffering from a neurological disorder or have parents that suffer from a neurological disorder.
Phone - 262-547-2083
Email - info@brpf.org

Welcome to Friends of Man
Friends of Man helps people of all ages with a large variety of needs: Mobility Equipment: (prostheses, wheelchairs, van lifts, and modifications, ramps, home modifications), Medical Equipment and Procedures, Hearing Aids, Dentures, Glasses, Basic Needs: Clothing for Children, Food, Short-term Daycare, Prescriptions, Cobra/Health Insurance And More! Apply to Friends of Man. 
Phone - 303-798-2342

Gridiron Heroes
Gridiron Heroes Spinal Cord Injury Foundation provides immediate, as well as, long term resources and support to individuals sustaining a catastrophic spinal cord injury through activities associated with high school football.
Phone - 210-849-9250, 210-735-2249
Contact - Link

High Fives Non-Profit Foundation 
The Empowerment Fund provides resources and inspiration to those who suffer a life-altering injury. Life-altering injuries are injuries such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, amputation or other mobility-limiting injuries that occurred in an athlete's lifetime. The resources and inspiration we provide come in the form of board-approved grant funding paid to service providers in nine funding categories: living expenses, insurance, health, travel, High Fives Healing Network, adaptive equipment, winter equipment, and "stoke" (positive energy, outlook, attitude). The foundation offers three grant cycles in the calendar year. 
Phone - 530-562-4270
Fax - 530-536-5012

Email - info@highfivesfoundation.com

Horizon Hope Grant
To receive the Horizon Hope Grant, applicants must demonstrate a commitment to Horizon and live by Horizon's mission in their daily lives. Applicants can either be:
A full-time or part-time student attending a college or university for the purpose of obtaining an undergraduate or graduate degree. (Please Note: Horizon Hope Grant is available to students in all areas of study.) OR An individual with a physical disability in need of a specific accommodation, e.g., medical equipment, assistive technology, construction for adapted living, etc.
Phone: - 773-477-5170
E-mail - horizon@associationofhorizon.org

Ian Burkhart Foundation
A spinal cord injury is an extremely expensive feat even for those who are financially stable. The Ian Burkhart Foundation will help individuals seek out widely accessible funding sources and provide grants for items not usually covered by insurance however they will greatly increase independence and quality of life. Grants will be given after being determined necessary by the board. Eligible items include but are not limited to wheelchairs, exercise equipment, vehicle modifications, home modifications, adaptive equipment. It is up to the applicant to explain how this grant will improve their quality of life.
Email - ian@ianburkhartfoundation.org

Modest Needs
Modest Needs is a national nonprofit empowering members of the general public to make small, emergency grants to low-income workers who are at risk of slipping into poverty.
Phone - 844-667-3776
Email - general.questions@modestneeds.org

PATH-WAY Scholarship and Assistance Fund
PATH-WAY champions inclusion and belonging yet understands how finances and a disability may limit an individuals access to the very activities that could improve their quality of life. To address this issue PATH-WAY has established a program 'Providing A WAY To Help' to provide financial assistance to help individuals with physical disabilities access their passion. PATH-WAY will provide grants (between $200 to $1000) to help individuals finance their dream. They also offer academic scholarships for high school seniors/graduates with physical disabilities who are planning on pursuing post secondary studies. 
Phone - 508-733-3240
Email - stephz@path-way.org

SCORE (Spinal Cord Opportunities for Rehabilitation Endowment)
SCORE is a non-profit organization that provides modest financial grants to people paralyzed while participating in sports or recreational activities. SCORE endeavors to improve the quality of life for people with spinal cord injury, assisting with the substantial out-of-pocket costs associated with obtaining the best medical care, home amenities, and transportation. The end goal is to facilitate rehabilitation and independence living.
Phone - 323-655-8298
Email - questions@scorefund.org

Thomas E Smith Foundation | Support for those living with paralysis
They offer financial assistance for people with spinal cord injury and here is a link to their grant application: Grant Application | Thomas E Smith Foundation.
The Thomas E. Smith Foundation
P.O. Box 1624
Andover, MA 01810
Email: info@thomasesmithfoundation.org
Phone: (617) 996-0623

Triumph Foundation 
Triumph Foundation's mission is to help children, adults, and veterans with spinal cord injuries by providing them with resources, hope, and security to people living with paralysis as a life-long support service. Foundation pairs individuals with sponsors who can help meet their needs; we have a Fundraising Partnership where we team up with an individual to raise funds for specific items or services; we have an Equipment & Supply Exchange program where we help find a home for old, used, and extra equipment & supplies and arrange for it to be given to people who are in need; we loan items to people to increase independence and functionality; and we provide financial assistance through our Keep Moving Forward Grant program.
Phone - 661-803-3700
Email - info@Triumph-Foundation.org

Victoria's Victory Foundation
Provides assistance with the day to day needs of those living with spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and other mobility related disabilities caused by an injury or diagnosis. They offer financial assistance during specific funding cycles and you can learn more about this here: Application — Victoria's Victory Foundation (victoriasvictory.org).
Phone: 603-534-3670 

PAN Foundation
PAN foundation is an independent, national 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping federally and commercially uninsured people. Its mission is to help underinsured people with life-threatening, chronic, and rare diseases get the medications and treatments they need by assisting people with their out-of-pocket costs and advocating for improved access and affordability. The website mentions the list of all the medications cost covered.
Phone - 800-394-0161
Contact Form - Link

Home Modification & Housing Grants

Elderly or Disabled Living
As a nonprofit 501c3 charity, EDL's mission is to reduce costs associated with housing. We specifically provide help to lower income elderly or disabled individuals. EDL is not a home care facility though. Our nonprofit has many cost reducing techniques available to us. EDL's service includes but isn't limited to monetary assistance (e.g. the following is not an exclusive list): Dr. bills, cable, internet, health insurance, car payment, electric, rent, and mortgage. Eligibility is based on being 55 years of age or older, anyone determined to be disabled by the federal government, anyone who receives disability payments or anyone who is DARS client. 
Email - info@elderlyordisabledliving.com

Joseph Groh Foundation 
The charter for the Joseph S Groh foundation as filed with the IRS states they are dedicated to providing financial support to those connected with the construction trades industry (plumbing, HVAC, electrical, roofing etc.) who are living with life altering injuries. Assistance provided is designed to pay for the provision of material (i.e. Durable medical equipment, etc.) or for services rendered. (i.e. construction of ramps to the home, widening of doorways, reconstruction of bathrooms for wheelchair access, etc.)
Phone - 214-998-9749
Email - hope@josephgrohfoundation.org

Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants
Provides loans to very-low-income homeowners aged 62 or older to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.To qualify an individual must be a homeowner and occupy the house, be unable to obtain affordable credit elsewhere, have a household income that does not exceed the very low limit by county, and for grants be age 62 years or older and not be able to repay a repair loan. 
Contact - Click link and select your state

Rehabilitation and Therapy Grants

Chanda Plan Foundation
The mission of the Chanda Plan Foundation is to improve the quality of life for persons with physical disabilities through direct services and systemic change to access integrative therapies. Our direct services include acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, adaptive exercise and adaptive yoga. Services are provided at the foundation and at provider locations nationwide.
Phone - 800-766-4255
Fax - 800-533-4684
Email - info@chandacenter.org

Falling Forward Foundation
The Falling Forward Foundation™ supports patients recovering from catastrophic medical issues. We provide funding that allows patients to continue their rehabilitation, to recover to their fullest potential, and to move forward in their lives.
Phone - 785-550-8129
Email - fallingforwardfoundation@gmail.com

Getting Back Up 
Provide qualified and selected individuals with funding for participation in exercise-based recovery programs and the purchase of adaptable products. These programs and products have been proven to greatly improve the physical and emotional well-being of the injured individual.
Email - info@gettingbackup.org

MW Fund:
MW Fund provides financial aid for specialized spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation that is not covered by insurance and to further support research initiatives developed for SCI recovery. They also develop and build out a program that will raise awareness about basketball courts with unsafe playing conditions and support projects that can make necessary improvements to outdated unsafe facilities. 
Email - jenna@mwfund.org

Project Thirty Four
Project 34 assists with the purchasing of medical equipment and assistive devices that may not be otherwise accessible to a patient, as well as provides grants to individuals to afford physical therapy for optimal function.
Contact - Link for form

Tighten The Drag Foundation
Seeks to assist nominated candidates with funding assistance to cover ongoing therapy needs, specialized equipment and helping to organize and fund recreational activities to qualified and nominated recipients to help provide a break from the daily stresses in their life. Because we believe that being in the outdoors is vital and beneficial to the health and well being of every individual, especially those dealing with difficulties in life, we help in assisting you locate programs and professionals in your area that are reputable and who provide much needed fun and variance from your normal daily routines, not only for you but for your family caregivers as well.
Phone - 813-743-2827
Email - info@tightenthedragfoundation.org

Walking with Anthony 
Walking with Anthony covers the cost of essential rehabilitation therapy so that people suffering from an SCI can face the enormous challenge of physical recovery with freedom from the relentless financial weight of paying for rehab. They are also expanding rehab centers to ensure all who can benefit from dedicated facilities and communities for SCI rehab have access to them. 
Phone - 888-712-4WWA
Email - info@walkingwithanthony.org

Travel Assistance Grants

New Perspective Foundation
Nonprofit organization that helps individuals in Ohio, Georgia and Florida who are currently hospitalized due to a spinal cord injury by assisting their family and friends with airfare, gasoline and lodging expenses so they can travel to support them in their time of need.
Phone - 800-435-7352
Contact - Link to form

Adaptive Vehicle & Modification Grants

National Organization for Vehicle Accessibility
Organization that works to provide vehicle modification grants to individuals with disabilities throughout the United States and Canada in need of financial assistance. The National Organization for Vehicle Accessibility (NOVA) believes that every individual has the right to accessible transportation. NOVA’s mission is to assist those with mobility needs through education, information and product acquisition. Applications are accepted at anytime and grants are awarded based on applications received on a quarterly basis. 
Phone - 574-607-5995
Email - info@novafunding.org

BraunAbility (State Funding)
These grants and other programs could help you finance a wheelchair van, scooter, wheelchair lift, adaptive driving equipment, or other mobility product. Select your state on the map to see the available grants to apply for in your state.
Phone - 800-488-0359

Bridge to Mobility
A national non-profit organization dedicated to increasing accessibility to wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs) for those unable to afford a private vehicle. Visit their website to learn about their grant application process.
Phone: 216-623-2326

Grants for Specific Medical Conditions

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
This foundation provides programs and support services to those individuals affected by MS to help them maintain their health, safety, self-sufficiency, and personal well-being. They aim to heighten public awareness in order to elicit financial support. They provide grants to individuals with MS such as funding for a neurologist visit for uninsured, prescription, co-pays, and physical, occupational or speech therapy.
Phone - 954-776-6805
Email - support@msfocus.org

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA)
MSAA is a national, non-profit organization founded in 1970.This foundation is dedicated to improving lives through ongoing support and direct services to individuals with MS, and their families. It runs a cooling distribution program which offers cooling products such as cooling vests and other accessories, since many people with MS are heat sensitive.They also offer equipment assistance programs that provide equipment that are designed to improve safety, mobility, activities of daily living along with exercise/wellness opportunities. These amenities are offered to people who qualify for assistance at no charge. Applications can be found on the website to apply.
Phone - 800-532-7667, ext. 154
Email - clientservices@mymsaa.org

MS Research and Relief Fund
MS Research and Relief Fund offers grants for financial assistance to individuals affected by MS and to groups representing people affected by MS towards the cost of aids and adaptations, equipment and respite. These grants are available to people specifically located in the United Kingdom and people from other countries in the North East. Application available on their website.
Phone - 0167-705-5829
Email - info@ms-researchandrelief.org

Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief
PAF foundation is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which provides case management services and financial aid to Americans with chronic, life threatening and debilitating illnesses which includes Multiple Sclerosis. The health equity funds provide needed financial assistance to eligible patients across 220 counties across 31 states. Check their website to see the list of states and counties for your eligibility.
Phone - 866-512-3861
Fax - 757-952-0119
Contact Form - 

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Grants 

LES Turner ALS Foundation
The mission of LES Turner foundation is to provide the most comprehensive care and support to people living with ALS and their families, so they can confidently navigate disease, and advance scientific research for the prevention, treatment and cure of ALS. They offer a variety of financial assistance to people living with ALS and their families. This includes the Walter Boughton Foundation Support service grants, the Dan Nelson Respite care grant program, assistive technology grants, and the Stuart Rosen ALS transportation fund. The eligibility varies for different grants so please check the website to see if you qualify. 
Phone - 847-679-3311
Email -

HealthWell Foundation 
HealthWell foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving access to healthcare for America's underinsured. They fill the gap by assisting with copays, premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses. They have helped more than 727,000 patients since 2004 who cannot afford essential treatments and medications.They help people with their prescription copays, pediatric treatment costs, travel costs and behavioral health services. Application and eligibility qualifications are available on their website. 
Phone - 800-675-8416
Email - Grants@healthwellfoundation.org

Project Main Street Financial Help Fund
Project Main St. helps both low income and middle income individuals and their families who are experiencing financial challenges as a direct result of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). They help with treatment cost, medications etc depending on the need of the patient. Referrals need to come from members of ALS patients or medical teams, family members or patients themselves. They will contact the person in order to collect certain information regarding the potential recipient’s medical condition and obtain background information before assistance is granted. 
Phone - 800-965-6246
Email - info@projectmainst.org
To initiate referral - assistance@projectmainst.org

ALS Association 
ALS association is a national nonprofit organization fighting ALS on every front. By leading the way in global research, providing assistance for people with ALS through a nationwide network of chapters, coordinating multidisciplinary care through certified clinical care centers, and fostering government partnerships, they build hope and enhance quality of life while aggressively searching for new treatments and cures. Financial grants are dependent on the geographic location of the patient or their families. Therefore, click on your local chapter to see what kinds of grants and resources they have available. Most of the common resources they have are home visit programs, respite care, support groups, equipment loans, home modification and transportation assistance. 
Phone - 800-782-4747
Email - click on local chapters to find the email based on your location.

Cerebral Palsy Grants

Children’s Hemiplegia and Stroke Association 
CHASA, is a nonprofit organization that provides information and provides support to families of children who have hemiplegia, hemiparesis or hemiplegic cerebral palsy. It provides three informational websites, over 30 online discussion groups, provides family retreat scholarships, provides financial assistance to help families in need to purchase hand and foot braces, provides college and vocational school and athletic scholarships for young adults, and supports local family events through small grant programs.   
Contact - Form Link

The MORGAN Project
MORGAN stands for making opportunities reality by granting assistance nationwide. They provide families with specialized programs for children with special health care needs, disabilities, sensory issues and concerns thus improving quality of life for the entire family. They are located in East central Florida and serve families locally and nationwide through a host of quality of life programs. Through Morgan’s legacy gift program they provide adaptive equipment, sensory supplies, conference travel and registrations, bath chairs, car seats, lightweight portable adaptive strollers, vestibular stimulation, disease-specific medical support group, and other non-cash resources to families of children with disabilities. The program varies from year to year based on the available funding so applicants are asked to check their website and apply when the application portal is open.  
Phone - 321-506-2707
Contact -

United Healthcare Children’s Foundation
UHCCF is a charitable organization that offers timely financial support to families so they can focus on what is most important to improve the quality of life of their child. They provide grants to help with medical expenses which are not covered or not fully covered by a family’s commercial health insurance across the United States. They have awarded 31,300 grants to children and their families. There are eligibility requirements listed on their website,  applicants or family members who meet the criteria can apply for grants on the website. 
Phone - 855-698-4223
Email -

Variety - the children’s charity
Variety - the children’s charity’s purpose is to serve children who are less fortunate, children who live and grow up with serious illness, disability, or disadvantage. Under Variety’s Care program, they deliver critical life-saving medical equipment and services, health and well-being to individuals and children’s health organizations who have CP. Under Variety's Freedom program they deliver vital life-changing equipment and services for mobility, independence and social inclusion to individuals and children with CP. The funds collected by charity are used to purchase wheelchairs, adaptive bicycles, walkers, standing aids, positioning systems, and vehicle modifications. Patients will need to find their local chapters on their website and contact them for the process of applying.  
Phone - 323-954-0920
Fax - 323-954-8630
Email -

Spina Bifida Grants

Grant’s Cause 
It is a non-profit organization which raises money for medical funds for children suffering from Spina Bifida. They help young children and families with medical expenses for therapies, medical supplies, equipment and more. They have an application link available on their website so individuals can apply for assistance.
Application form - Link

Muscular Dystrophy Grants

Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation
This foundation is dedicated to offering practical services and resources that promote quality of life, independence, mobility, and safe living. Some of the supportive resources they have provided families in the past includes adaptive equipment such as ramps, lifts, and wheelchairs. They also help with home modifications and transportation. They also run an accessible Van Giveaway program regularly to award wheelchair accessible vans for individuals needing reliable transportation. Application available on the website.
Phone - 317-615-9140
Application form -Link

The Assistance Fund 
The Assistance Fund is an independent charitable assistance foundation that helps patients and families facing high medical out of pocket costs to provide financial assistance. They provide help for patients living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Eligible patients can receive financial assistance for copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, health insurance premiums and incidental medical expenses relating to travel and infusions. Since new funds open and close at any time, patients are encouraged to check the website frequently.
Phone - 855-730-5877

Colorado Fund for Muscular Dystrophy
CFMD is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3). They help to raise funds to be used for financial support of activities, programs, and events that will increase the quality of life for persons with Muscular Dystrophy and other neuromuscular disorders. It provides financial assistance in the form of grants and scholarships such as providing assistive technology, medical equipment, therapies, medical supplies, home modifications or recreation center membership and other equipment needed to support persons with muscular dystrophy. Grant applicants must be a United States resident with a diagnosis of any form of muscular dystrophy or neuromuscular disorders.
Email - info@coloradofmd.org
Contact form - Link
Application - Link

Laughing at my Nightmare 
Laughing at my nightmare Inc. works to improve the quality of life for people living with disabilities by providing free adaptive and medical equipment and assistive technology to people in need. They aim to supply devices and technology that enhance the lives of clients and help them live healthier, more comfortable and more productive lives. They run a program called No more Nightmares and the goal of this is to provide people living with muscular dystrophy with important equipment and technology to keep them living awesome lives. Eligibility criteria is mentioned on the website.
Email - info@laughingatmynightmare.com
Contact form - Link
Application - Link

Traumatic Brain Injury Grants

Life Goes On After TBI (Only for residents of New England)
This grant program helps individuals who are experiencing hardships as a result of suffering a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury by distributing grants that would help offset the cost of therapy, resource or service not covered by insurance. Individuals must be residents of New England to be eligible to apply. More information regarding eligibility is mentioned on the website. 
Email - info@lgoaftertbi.com
Contact form - Link
Application form -Link

Stroke Grants

The Stroke Foundation 
The Stroke Foundation was founded in 2020 which empowers stroke survivors during their recovery and rehabilitation phase by providing grants to stroke survivors experiencing financial hardships to help cover the cost of physical, occupational or speech therapy. The eligibility requirements are listed on the website and applications are received in accordance with the guidelines and policies and on a case by case basis. They notify grant recipients via email within 60 days of the application deadline. 
Email - survivorfund@thestrokefoundation.org
Application form - Link

Stroke Recovery Foundation
Stroke Recovery Foundation’s mission is to assist stroke survivors to maximize their recoveries and to reduce the overall negative impact of this disease in SW Florida and across America. The foundation established the Stroke Victory Recovery Fund to pay partial scholarships for survivors who would benefit from additional speech, physical, and occupational therapy but whose insurance reimbursements have been terminated,  and survivors do not have the financial resources to continue. This is how they help survivors to recover their indepence and life functionality. Individuals need to request an application using the email listed. 
Phone - 239-254-8266
Email - bobm@StrokeRF.org

Scott Coopersmith Stroke Awareness Foundation
This foundation is dedicated to connecting with those individuals that are affected by stroke. Through community outreach, this foundation raises funds to further the awareness of stroke in young individuals, encourage the rehabilitation of survivors and provide emotional and financial assistance to survivors and caregivers. They also help survivors to fund occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy. Application is available on their website under resources.  
Phone - 772-485-0571
Email - info@strokeawarenessfoundation.org

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

PAN Foundation
The mission of PAN foundation is to help underinsured people with life-threatening, chronic and rare diseases get the medications and treatments they need by assisting with their out of pocket costs and advocating for improved access and affordability. They have opened a new patient assistance program specifically for people living with spinal muscular atrophy to help them with access to new therapies. There are eligibility requirements listed on their website and instructions about how to apply for a grant.
Phone - 866-316-7263
Contact form - Link

Gwendolyn Strong Foundation
This foundation works to fill in the gaps needed to create real change and build a more inclusive future for those with disabilities, especially people who are suffering from SMA. They provide grants for durable medical equipment, financial assistance, assistive technology and adaptive equipment, funeral expenses, home modifications, and accessible vehicles. Eligibility criteria for the grants are mentioned on their website. 
Phone - 805-203-0334
Email - info@nevergiveup.org
Application - Link

Zolgensma Copay Assist Program
Zolgensma is an adeno-associated virus vector-based gene therapy indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients less than 2 years of age with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. This program helps eligible commercially insured patients diagnosed with SMA to potentially receive copay assistance when individuals sign up for the program. Some of the services provided include help with insurance co-payments and assistance with medications or medication expenses. Eligibility guidelines are listed on the website. 
Phone - 855-441-4363

Cure SMA
Cure SMA leads the way to a world where everyone impacted by spinal muscular atrophy is empowered to lead independent, successful and fulfilling lives. Cure SMA provides practical support programs for the community and advocates for their needs.They also provide care packages and loans necessary medical equipment for children. Eligibility criteria is mentioned on the website. 
Phone - 800-886-1762
Email - info@curesma.org
Email for equipment loans - equipment@curesma.org

Guillain Barre Syndrome 

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
NORD, a 501(c)(3) is a patient advocacy organization dedicated to individuals with rare diseases. NORD, along with its more than 300 patient organization members, is committed to the identification, treatment and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and patient services. They provide eligible patients with medical and financial needs in affording the treatment costs. Patients must have a confirmed diagnosis of GBS within 12 months of application to the program in order to apply. There are several eligibility requirements listed, so please make sure to check them in order to apply. Contact the organization for the application process.
Phone - 203-309-3896
Email -

2.2. Alternative AT Financing Programs By State

Alternative Assistive Technology (AT) Financing Programs by state

To find local Assistive Technology resources contact your state representative.
Thank you to Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation for coordinating the
update of this listing on a periodic basis.

Alabama: Ability Loans Program
Southern Disability Foundation
P.O. Box 1566
Montgomery, AL 36102
COO: Joseph Helm
E-mail: jpheagle@gmail.com 
Phone: 334.293.7008 or 800.782.7656
AFP Coordinator: Kate Wallace
Phone: 334.759.0918
E-mail: Kate.wallace@rehab.alabama.gov 
Web: www.sdfalabama.com 

Arizona: Loan$ for Assistive Technology Program (AzLAT)
Institute for Human Development
Northern Arizona University
300 West Clarendon Avenue Suite 475
Phoenix, AZ 85013
Program Specialist: Gaye Champine
Phone: 602.776.4670 or 800.477.9921
E-mail: gaye.champine@nau.edu 
Web: www.aztap.org 

Arkansas: Alternative Technology Revolving Loan Fund
1 Verizon Drive
Little Rock, AR 72202
Loan Program Director: Henry Washington
Phone: 501.296.1663
E-mail: Henry.Washington@arkansas.gov 
Web: http://arcareereducation.org/services/arkansas-rehabilitation-services/accessaccommodations 
National Disability Institute

California: FreedomTech Loan
California Foundation for Independent Living Centers
1000 G Street, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
Contact: Jackie Mura
Phone: 916.737.5358
E-mail: info@freedomtech.org 
Web: www.freedomtech.org 

Connecticut: Tech Act Project
55 Farmington Avenue, 12th Floor
Harford, CT 06105
Contact: Muriel Aparo
Phone: 860.424.5619
E-mail: muriel.aparo@ct.gov 
Web: www.CTtechact.com/loan 

Delaware: Finance Your Independence
Easterseals: Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore
61 Corporate Circle
New Castle, DE 19720
Director: Nancy Ranalli
Phone: 302.221.2033
E-mail: nranalli@esdel.org 
Web: www.easterseals.com/de/our-programs/caregiver-and-respite-services 
District of Columbia: Assistive Technology Financing Loan Program
University Legal Services
220 I Street, Suite 130

Washington, D.C. 20001
Program Contact: Alicia Johns
Phone: 202.547.0198, Ext. 134
E-mail: ajohns@uls-dc.org 
Web: www.atpdc.org 
National Disability Institute

Florida: FAAST New Horizon Loan Program
820 E Park Ave, D-200,
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Director: Eric Reed
Phone: 850.487.3278, Ext. 104
E-mail: ereed@faastinc.org 
Web: https://faast.org

 Georgia: Friends of Disabled Adults and Children
Credit-Able Program
4900 Lewis Rd,
Tucker, GA 30083
Phone: 770.491.9014 ext 152.
E-mail: creditable@fodac.org 
Web: https://fodac.org/other-resources/

Guam: System for Assistive Technology: Akudi Loan Program
House 19 Dean Circle
University of Guam
Mangilao, Guam 96913
Project Coordinator: Leah Abelon
Phone: 671.735.2490
E-mail: Leah.Abelon@guamcedders.org 
Christina Jung
University of Guam CEDDERS
303 University Drive
Mangilao, Guam 96913
E-mail: Christina.jung@guamcedders.org 
Web: gsatcedders.org/akudi-we-exist-to-assist 
National Disability Institute

Hawaii: Assistive Technology Resource Center
200 N. Vineyard Blvd., Suite 430
Honolulu, Hi 96817
Phone: 808.532.7112
E-mail: atrc-info@atrc.org 
Web: atrc.org  

Idaho: IATP Finance Program
1187 Alturas Drive
Moscow, ID 83843
Program Director: Krista Kramer
Phone: 208.885.6097 or 800.432.8324
E-mail: kkramer@uidaho.edu 
Web: https://idahoat.org/get-AT/finance-loans 

Illinois: Illinois Assistive Technology Program
1020 South Spring Street
Springfield, IL 62704
Program Coordinator: Wanda Parbs
Phone: 800.852.5110 or 217.522.7985
TTY: 217.522.9966
E-mail: wparbs@iltech.org 
Web: iltech.org 

Indiana: Assistive Technology Act Project (INDATA): Easter Seals Crossroads
4740 Kingsway Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Manager: Nikol Prieto
Phone: 317.466.2013 or 888.466.1314
E-mail: nprieto@eastersealscroosroads.org 
Web: eastersealstech.com/sample-page/assistive-technology-funding 
National Disability Institute

Iowa: Able Foundation
130 S. Sheldon Ave., Suite 201
Ames, IA 50014
Executive Director: Anna Magnusson
Phone: 888.222.8943 or 515.292.2972
E-mail: anna@iowaable.org 
Program Director: Tayvia Harrington
E-mail: tayvia@iowaable.org 
Web: iowaable.org 

Kansas: Assistive Technology Loan Program Alternative Finance Program: K-Loan
1714 Main or PO Box D
Parsons, KS 67357
Director: Sara Sack
Email: ssack@ku.edu 
Manager: Jeanette Graue
Phone: 866.465.2826 or 620.421.6554
E-mail: jeanetteg@skilonline.com 
Web: k-loan.net

Kentucky: Assistive Technology Loan Corporation (KATLC)
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street
4th Floor, NE
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502.782.3423
E-mail: SarahF.Richardson@ky.gov 
Web: katlc.ky.gov 

Louisiana: Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN) Financial Loan Program
10988 N. Harrell's Ferry Rd. Ste. 5
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: 225.925.9500
E-mail: info@latan.org
Website: www.latan.org

Maine: Kim Wallace Adaptive Equipment Loan Program (mPower)
Alpha One, Financial Services Provider
127 Main Street
South Portland, ME 04106
Administrative Director: Henry Powell
Phone: 207.619.239
E-mail: hpowell@alphaonenow.org 
Finance Director: Haleigh O’Donnell
Phone: 207.619.9235
E-mail: hodonnell@alphaonenow.org 
Web: https://alphaonenow.org/aelp                   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Maryland: Assistive Technology Loan Program

2301 Argonne Drive, Room T-17
Baltimore, MD 21218
Loan Program Director: Tanya Goodman
Phone: 410.554.9244
TTY: 866.881.7488
E-mail: tgoodman@mdtap.org 
Web: mdtap.org 

Massachusetts: Assistive Technology Loan Program
Easter Seals Massachusetts
484 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01608
AT Director: Leo Tonevski
Phone: 508.751.6431
E-mail: LTonevski@eastersealsma.org 
Manager: Catherine Fradenburg
Phone: 508.751.6428
E-mail: cfradenburg@eastersealsma.org 
Robert Bilotta
Phone: 508.751.6426
E-mail: rbilotta@eastersealsma.org 
Web: www.massalternativefinance.org 
National Disability Institute

Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund
United Cerebral Palsy of Michigan
1325 S. Washington Avenue
Lansing, MI 48910
Loan Funds Manager: Tracy Starting
E-mail: tracy@ucpmichigan.org 
Phone: 517.203.1200, option 2
Web: www.ucpmichigan.org 

Missouri: Show Me Loans
Missouri Assistive Technology
1501 NW Jefferson St.
Blue Springs, MO 64015-7242
Loan Program Coordinator: Eileen Belton
Phone: 816.655.6702 or 800.647.8557
E-mail: ebelton@mo-at.org 
Web: at.mo.gov/show-me-loans 

Montana: Assistive Technology Loan Program
RDI Financial
410 Central Ave, Suite 401
Great Falls, MT 59403
Phone: 406.454.5704
E-mail: amperoman@greenpath.com 
Web: https://montech.ruralinstitute.umt.edu/montana-assistive-technology-program-matp/

 Nebraska: Alternative Financing Program
Easterseals Nebraska
12565 West Center Road, #100
Omaha, NE 68144
AFP Director: Angela Howell
Program Coordinator: Holly Windorski
Phone: 800.471.6425 or 402.689.3267
E-mail: hwindorski@ne.easterseals.com
Web: https://www.easterseals.com/ne/our-programs/alternative-financing/ 
National Disability Institute

Nevada: CARE Loan Fund
CARE Chest of Sierra Nevada
7910 N. Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89506
Contact: Eunice Hylin
Phone: 775.829.2273, Ext. 114
E-mail: ehylin@carechest.com 
Web: https://www.carechest.org/independent-living-and-care-loans

Nevada: Nevada Department of Health and Human Services
Aging and Disability Services Division
NV Assistive Technology Collaborative Director: John Rosenlund
Phone: 775.687.0835
E-mail: jrosenlund@adsd.nv.gov 
Web: adsd.nv.gov 

New Jersey: NDI Assistive Technology Loan Program
1667 K Street NW, Suite 480
Washington, DC 20006
Manager: Laurie Schaller
Phone: 202.449.9521
E-mail: lschaller@ndi-inc.org 
Web: nationaldisabilityinstitute.org/financial-wellness/assistive-technology-loan-program 

New Mexico: Access Loan
San Juan Center for Independence
1204 San Juan Blvd.
Farmington, NM 87401
Contact: Larry McCabe
Phone: 505.566.5831
E-mail: LMcCabe@sjci.org 
Web: tap.gcd.state.nm.us/financial-assistance/access-loan-new-mexico 
National Disability Institute

New York: NDI Assistive Technology Loan Program
1667 K Street NW, Suite 480
Washington, DC 20006
Manager: Laurie Schaller
Phone: 202.449.9521
E-mail: lschaller@ndi-inc.org 
Web: nationaldisabilityinstitute.org/financial-wellness/assistive-technology-loan-program 
North Carolina: Self-Help Credit Union
301 W. Main St
Durham, NC 27701
Coordinator: David Beck
Phone: 704.566.2899
E-mail: david.beck@self-help.org or Cheryl.Cherry@self-help.org 
Web: www.self-help.org/assistivetech 

North Dakota: Assistive Financial Loan Program
North Dakota Assistive
3240 15th St South, Suite B
Fargo, ND 58104
Loan Administrator Assistant: Pam Posey
Phone: 701.365.728 or 800.895.4728
E-mail: pposey@ndassistive.org 
Web: https://ndassistive.org/funding/

Northern Mariana Islands: Trankilu Loan Program
Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Council on Developmental Disabilities
P.O. Box 502565
Saipan, MP 96950-2565
Financial Loan Contact: Josephine Tudela
Email: jtudela.cnmicdd@gmail.com  
Web: cnmicdd.org/assistivetech.html
National Disability Institute

Oklahoma: Alternative Financing Program Oklahoma ABLE Tech Loans
Oklahoma State University
1514 West Hall of Fame
Stillwater, OK 74078-2026
Loan Program Coordinator: Natalie Rohwer
Phone: 405.744.4254
E-mail: Natalie.Rohwer@okstate.edu 
Web: https://www.okabletech.org/core-programs/financial-program/

Oregon: Northwest Access Fund (Washington and Oregon)
1437 South Jackson Street, Suite 302
Seattle, WA 98144
Executive Director: Emerson Sekins
Phone: 877.428.5116
TTY: 888.494.4775
E-mail: info@nwaccessfund.org 
Web: nwaccessfund.org 

Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation
1004 West 9th Avenue King
of Prussia, PA 19406
Chief Executive Officer: Susan Tachau
E-mail: stachau@patf.us 
Operations Director: Tracy Beck
Phone: 888.744.1938 or 484.674.0506
E-mail: patf@patf.us
Web: Home | Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (patf.us)

South Carolina: Assistive Technology Loan Program
P.O. Box 3197
West Columbia, SC 29171
Executive Director: Kristin Driggers
Phone: 803.726.7143
E-mail: kdriggers@scatloans.org 
Web: https://scatloans.org  
National Disability Institute

South Dakota: DakotaLink Assistive Technology Loan Fund
1161 Deadwood Ave. Suite #5
Rapid City, SD 57702
Phone: 605.394.6742 or 800.645.0673
Email: atinfo@dakotaLink.net 
Web: dakotalink.net/atfunding  
U.S. Virgin Islands: Micro Credit Loan Program

St. Croix
116 King Street
Frederiksted, VI 00840
Phone: 340.773.6499
St. Thomas / St. John
8000 Nisky Shopping Center, Suite 620

St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340.714.1700
Web: usvieda.org/start-or-grow-business/financing-options/micro-credit-loan-program 
Utah: Utah Assistive Technology Program
6835 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-6835
Contact Person: Lois Summers
Phone: 800.524.5152
Email: lois.summers@usu.edu 
Contact Person: Bora Lee
Email: bora.lee@usu.edu 
Web: uatp.usu.edu 

Vermont: Independence Fund: Loans for Assistive Technology
Opportunities Credit Union
25 Winooski Falls Way, Suite 203
Winooski, VT 05404
President & CEO: Kate Laud
Phone: 802.654.4540, Ext. 105
E-mail: KLaud@oppsvt.org 
Loan Officer: Tasha Thompson
Phone: 802.654.4540, Ext. 147
E-mail: tthompson@oppsvt.org 
Web: oppsvt.org/independence-fund 
National Disability Institute

Virginia: Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority (ATLFA)
1602 Rolling Hills Drive, Suite 107
Richmond, VA 23229
Executive Director: Sandra Prince Banker
Phone: 866.835.5976
E-mail: Sandra.prince@atlfa.org 
Web: atlfa.org 

Washington: Northwest Access Fund (Washington and Oregon)
P.O. Box 55759
Shoreline, WA 98155
Executive Director: Emerson Sekins
Phone: 877.428.5116
TTY: 888.494.4775
E-mail: info@nwaccessfund.org 
Web: nwaccessfund.org     
Wisconsin: WisLoan and Telework 
Website: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/wistech/wisloan.htm
Phone: 414-291-7520
Contact: dhswistech@dhs.wisconsin.gov
The WisLoan and Telework programs offer loans for assistive technology, home modification, vehicle adaptions, or accommodations for employment.

Wyoming: Wyoming Technology Access Program (WYTAP)
Wyoming Independent Living
305 West 1st Street
Casper, WY 82601
Business Manager: Patti Robinson
Phone: 307.266.6956
E-mail: admin@wilr.org 
Web: uwyo.edu/wind/watr/wytap.html 
List Updated February 2021

2.3. Grant for people with Syringomyelia

Assistance Grants from The American Syringomyelia & Chiari Alliance Project, Inc. (ASAP)

Grants up to $1,000 are available for qualifying ASAP members to assist with the purchase of adaptive equipment and assistive devices. You must be a member of ASAP for 6 months prior to applying for the grant, have a diagnosis of syringomyelia or Chiari, and provide a written quote for total cost of the item. Checks are made payable to both the vendor and ASAP member.

The Bobby Jones Open has made it possible for numerous ASAP members to improve their quality of life and enjoy a more independent lifestyle. People have received help in purchasing ramps, a therapeutic bicycle, accessible shower, lift chair, wheelchair accessories, elevator stair-lift, and more. Visit their website or contact them at 1-800-272-7282 to learn more.


3. Grants to Organizations

3.1. Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Community Support Grants

Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Harnessing the power of collaboration to increase independence for all individuals living with spinal cord injury, the Creating Opportunity & Independence (CO&I) portfolio supports non-profit organizations providing programs and services that are community-driven, empowering, and inclusive of all ages and backgrounds to enhance quality of life.

Community Support Grants 

This funding underwrites specific projects, ongoing programs, and/or capacity building with a specific focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion within their organization and in the communities they serve. Community Support Grants are for one or two years. Visit the following link to learn more about their application process: Creating Opportunity & Independence – Craig H. Neilsen Foundation (chnfoundation.org).

3.2. Christopher Reeve Foundation Grants (for organizations only)

The Christopher Reeve Foundation (CRF) does not make grants directly to individuals with SCI. Instead, CRF provides Heath Promotion Grants to organizations nationwide that help improve opportunities, access and day-to-day quality of life for individuals living with SCI and their families.

3.3. Home Depot Foundation Community Impact Grants Program

Community Impact Grants Program

Grants, up to $5,000, are available to registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and tax-exempt public service agencies in the U.S. that are using the power of volunteers to improve the physical health of their community. Grants are given in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services.

Our mission is to ensure that every veteran has a safe place to call home. As such- priority will be placed on volunteer projects that fit the following criteria.

  • Projects that serve veterans and their families, whether that's repairing homes or improving facilities
  • Projects that involve veterans volunteering to help other veterans in the communities where they live

3.4. The Sunshine Lady Foundation

The mission of the Sunshine Lady Foundation is to invest in organizations and programs dedicated to providing opportunities for the advancement of education, well being and new life choices for disadvantaged people with special empathy for the working poor and families in crisis.

Acknowledging that good luck does not shine equally on everyone, the Sunshine Lady Foundation directors, staff and volunteers, known as Sunbeams, seek out ways to effectively share financial support, goodwill, energy and vision with those who need it most, and to encourage collaborative efforts within the community to help achieve this mission.

The Sunshine Lady Foundation is a private family foundation founded in 1996 by Doris Buffett and funded through her generosity. The mission of the foundation reflects the mid-western values and no-nonsense approach to decision-making that Doris grew up with in Omaha, Nebraska.   Each Sunshine Lady Foundation grant is considered an investment, and the decision to grant funds is always based on an expected successful return.  Doris Buffett is grateful to her father, Howard Buffett, and brother, Warren Buffett, not only for providing her with the wealth to fund the foundation but also for their inspirational examples of integrity and generosity.

The Sunshine Lady Foundation does not accept requests for consideration of funding from individuals or organizations outside of the United States, or for the following purposes:

  • -  business investments of any type or grants to businesses
  • -  loans of any type, either personal or business
  • -  payment of medical debt or school loans
  • -  academic or scientific research
  • -  graduate study
  • -  conferences, seminars or trips
  • -  environmental or animal protection causes
  • -  general fund-raising drives or events
  • -  religious organizations for religious purposes
  • -  the Arts

Please contact the foundation directly to learn more about grant possibilities. 

103 S 11th Street # B, Morehead City, NC, 28557-4105

Phone: (252) 240-2788

4. Loans

4.1. Mobility Vehicle and Access Loans

Available from Digital Federal Credit Union 

4.2. Access Loans from Bank of America

Access Loans from Bank of America provide affordable and flexible terms for individuals with disabilities or access needs. Purchase the equipment you need to make your car accessible. Available in AZ, AR, CA, CT, FL, GA, ID, IL, IA, KS, MA, MD, ME, MO, NH, NJ, NV, NY, NM, NC, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, & the District of Columbia.

4.3. Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) discharge of student loans

It's Possible to Discharge a Student Loan Because of Disability

As of 2011, the average college student (graduate and undergraduate) left school with $23,300 in debt. Repayment of student loans has always been difficult, but with the economy still working its way back, many recent graduates have no jobs and no way to pay back their loans. People with disabilities that prevent them from working face an even more desperate set of challenges.

Fortunately, people with disabilities can apply for disability discharges of loans from the following programs: Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL), Perkins Loans, William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans (Direct Loans), and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants.

To qualify for a disability discharge, a borrower must show that she has a physical or mental impairment that will either result in death or has lasted or will be expected to last more than 60 months. (Different, less stringent rules apply to veterans with disabilities.) The borrower's doctor must submit paperwork to the U.S. Department of Education certifying the borrower's condition, and, if approved, the loan will be conditionally discharged.

Once a loan is conditionally discharged, the borrower must not engage in employment that results in income exceeding the federal poverty rate for a family of two for the next three years. Once the three-year period has passed, the loan will be completely discharged.

No one wants to default on his obligations, but if a borrower cannot repay a loan due to disability, he should promptly apply for a disability discharge so that the funds he would normally spend on loan repayment can be directed towards future care.

To read the Department of Education's guidelines for obtaining a disability discharge, click here.

  from the Academy of Special Needs Planners

5. Misc Financial Resources

5.1. My money.gov

www.mymoney.gov - An official government website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics of financial education; filled with information and easy to use.  Provides useful resources to persons seeking information that can help with their personal financial decisions.

5.2. Retail Savings Guide for People with Disabilities

"Retail Savings Guide for People with Disabilities,"  provides a detailed walkthrough of discounts and special offers for individuals with disabilities.

6. Pediatric Funding

6.1. Pediatric Funding Sources

Check out our various Pediatric Funding Resources

7. Prescription Assistance

7.1. Needy Meds

Needy Medsis a  501(c)(3) non-profit information resource devoted to helping people in need find assistance programs to help them afford their medications and costs related to health care. NeedyMeds was founded in 1997 by Richard Sagall, MD and Libby Overly, MSW when Libby was working as a medical social worker in a rural Mississippi. She developed a database of PAP information to help her meet the needs of her clients. When she described this database to Rich, a friend with a medical practice in Bangor, Maine, he conceptualized making the information available on the Internet to make it available to more people. This was the beginning of NeedyMeds.

NeedyMeds' mission is to be the best source of accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date information on programs that help people facing problems paying for medications and health care; to assist those in need in applying to programs; and to provide health-related education using innovative methods.

NeedyMeds is funded by small grants, donations, sponsorships, subscriptions to PAPTracker, and syndication of various database information. NeedyMeds also works with the patient assistance programs of several pharmaceutical distributors.

The NeedyMeds Brochure is available to organizations that assist people who need help paying for their medicine.

Our monthly e-newsletter, Vitals, formerly known as Patient Assistance News (PAN), is available free by subscription.  In Vitals, we highlight issues and resources that will be of interest to patient advocates and other healthcare providers. We often feature nonprofits and other organizations that have dedicated their resources to helping others.

Visit the Subscription Center to sign up for Vitals
If you are a part of an organization that would like to be featured in a future issue, please send an email to the editor.

7.2. Cost Plus Drugs-discount, Direct sales


Mark Cuban's Cost Plus Drug Company because every American should have access to safe, affordable medicines. If you don’t have insurance or have a high deductible plan, you know that even the most basic medications can cost a fortune. Many people are spending crazy amounts of money each month just to stay healthy. No American should have to suffer or worse - because they can’t afford basic prescription medications.

If you are fortunate enough to have health insurance with a low deductible, the high cost of drugs is driving up the premiums that you or your employer pay, making getting health insurance expensive and challenging.

The Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company takes these problems head on.

Shockingly, in the USA, it’s not unusual for disadvantaged populations to suffer from rampant outbreaks of hookworm. Normally the drug prescribed for hookworm, Albendazole, can cost as much as $500 per course, making the drug out of reach for many in need. So we started off by donating more than 10,000 tablets of Albendazole to cure parasitic infections in the most affected areas of the southern US.

Our goal is to dramatically reduce the cost of drugs like Albendazole, but we also think that it is just as important to introduce transparency to the pricing of drugs so patients know they are getting a fair price.

7.3. GOOD RX

GOOD RX is an alternative discount prescription option.

GoodRx helps patients, insured and uninsured, save on their prescriptions. Patients can save up to 80% on their prescriptions and improve adherence with a GoodRx Savings Kit.
Drug prices vary widely between pharmacies. GoodRx finds the lowest prices and discounts. How?

Collect and compare prices for every FDA-approved prescription drug at
more than 70,000 U.S. pharmacies. Find free coupons to use at the pharmacy.
Show the lowest price at each pharmacy near you.

7.4. The Medicine Program

The Medicine Program is a patient advocacy organization helping individuals and families all across America get access to up to 2,500 prescription medications available today for free or nearly free of charge through Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs).

7.5. NORD's Patient and Caregiver Assistance Programs


RareCare® Patient Assistance Programs

We provide patient assistance programs to help individuals living with rare diseases:


  • Obtain medication
  • Receive financial help with insurance premiums and co-pays
  • Get diagnostic testing assistance
  • Receive travel assistance for clinical trials or consultation with disease specialists
  • Provide caregiver respite
  • Offer support during emergencies
  • Gain knowledge about rare diseases
  • Connect with other patient assistance programs

7.6. Partnership for Prescription Assistance

The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need through the program that is right for them. Many will get their medications free or nearly free.

7.7. Rx Outreach

ESSDS developed Rx Outreach to provide a safe, affordable, and easy way for people of all ages to get medicines they need. The program offers prescription medicines to uninsured individuals and families, as well as those who have limited prescription drug coverage.

7.8. Script Save WellRx

Script Save WellRx

A recent study by the Mayo Clinic shows that 20 percent of Americans take at least five prescription medications. The more drugs you take, the greater your risk of skipping a dose, taking the wrong pill at the wrong time, or doubling up on a dose. Our tools can help you stay organized. With Medicine Chest, you'll never forget to take your medications, vitamins or supplements again! It's easy-to-use and free!

ScriptSave WellRx tools can help you stay organized, save time, and money. Our mission is to help Americans keep more money in their pocket and improve their health.

Our innovative programs and our network of 65,000 pharmacy partners have been helping consumers save on prescription medication costs for more than 20 years.

  • If you do not have health insurance, use your ScriptSave WellRx card for any brand name or generic prescriptions you or your household members pay for out-of-pocket.
  • If you have health insurance coverage, use your ScriptSave WellRx card for any prescriptions that are not covered by your insurance plan or for family members not covered by insurance.
  • If you have Medicare and are enrolled in a Medicare Part D plan, use your ScriptSave WellRx card for any prescriptions that are excluded by Medicare Part D law.
  • If you have Medicare and decide not to enroll in Medicare Part D - you can save money instantly with a ScriptSave WellRx card! There are no age or income restrictions.


Search for the lowest price

Easily find the lowest price for your medication at more than 65,000 pharmacies nationwide.

Show Your Card or App

Show your discount card or use the app at the pharmacy of your choice.

Save on Your Medications

Discounts on brand or generic prescriptions. Savings average 60% and, in some cases, can be 80% or more!

7.9. Together Rx Access

Together Rx Access
Web sites: http://www.togetherrxaccess.com

A FREE prescription-savings card for eligible residents of the United States and Puerto Rico who have no prescription drug coverage. Plus information Medicare Part D.

8. Fertility Treatment Grants and Scholarships

8.1. The International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination- Scholarship





 The International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination- Scholarship

  • Provides a basic IVF cycle which is donated by a facility. This includes the treatment and physician services and monitoring at the designated clinic.
  • The applicant must be an INCIID Interactive Community Member at the Bronze Level or higher.
  • The selection committee selects couples based on cost-of-living, submitted paystubs, tax returns and a letter from their doctor recommending IVF as medically necessary.
  • Visit INCIID's Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the program and eligibility requirements.

Contact Information:
Website: Visit http://www.inciid.org for more information about the, From INCIID the Heart IVF Scholarship Program.
Email: INCIIDinfo@inciid.org
Phone: (703)379-9178
Fax: (703)379-1593

8.2. Baby Quest Foundation






Baby Quest Foundation

  • Grants are awarded two times yearly.
  • Provides a dollar range of $2,000-$16,000 (combination of money and medications)
  • Open to all, genders, singles, same sex couples, all who are permanent residents of the U.S., ect. (Click here to see more requirements on the Baby Quest website)
  • Applications fees apply

Contact Information:
Website: Visit https://babyquestfoundation.org  for more information about Baby Quest's grant
Email: bqfoundation@gmail.com



8.3. The Tinina Q. Cade Foundation – Family Building Grant



The Tinina Q. Cade Foundation – Family Building Grant

  • This grant is offered once per year.
  • Provides up to $10,000 per funded family to help with costs medical infertility treatments and domestic adoption.
  • Open to all; applicants must have a diagnosis of infertility from their doctor and must be legal, permanent U.S. residents.
  • Applications fees apply.

Contact Information:
Website: Visit http://www.cadefoundation.org for more information about the Family Building Grant
Email: info@cadefoundation.org
Phone: (443) 896-6504
Fax: (410) 741-3701

8.4. Cleveland Clinic - Ohio Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP)

Cleveland Clinic - Ohio Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP)

  • You must be a resident of Ohio, Florida or Nevada and meet the geographic requirements identified in the policy.
  • They offer emergency and other medically necessary hospital-level services free of charge.


(1)You are currently an eligible recipient of the General Assistance or the Disability Assistance Programs 

(2)Your income is at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (the FPG). 

For information regarding Cleveland Clinic Financial Assistance Policy and Financial Assistance Application Form, please refer to the contact information below for Cleveland Clinic financial counselors.

Contact Information:
Website: http://my.clevelandclinic.org - Financial Assistance
Phone: (866) 621-6385

8.5. (New York State) - Infertility Demonstration Program

New York State Infertility Demonstration Program

  • A grant from New York State for IVF treatment
  • The NYS Infertility Demonstration Program provides financial support to privately insured individuals whose insurance coverage for IVF is exhausted or inadequate
  • Funds are allocated to select centers meeting high standards of IVF success rates and patient volume.
  • To determine if you are eligible for the New York State Infertility Demonstration Program, please see the contact information

Contact Information:
Website: Visit http://www.health.ny.gov for more information
Email: bwh@health.state.ny.us
Phone: (518) 474-1911
Fax: (518) 474-6041

9. Scholarships For People With Disabilities

9.1. Scholarships Available For People With Disabilities

180 Medical 
180 Medical offers a scholarship program (https://www.180medical.com/scholarships) to help those with spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, and transverse myelitis. Students attending a two-year, four-year, or graduate school program full time in the fall are eligible to apply. Applicants must be under a physician's care for a spinal cord injury, spina bifida, transverse myelitis, neurogenic bladder, or ostomy (ileostomy, colostomy, or urostomy). Must be a legal resident in the United States.
(877) 688-2729

1800Wheelchair.com offers an annual scholarship award to an undergraduate student. The scholarship is open to students of any major or concentration. Although not a requirement, preference will be given to students with mobility disabilities.

ABC Medical  
ABC Medical will be offering semi-annual scholarships, divided into the following three categories: Adaptive Sports, Scholar Athletes, and Making a Difference.  The Adaptive Sports scholarship will be divided by age group (Junior, College, Adult) and will be awarded to individuals who represent good sportsmanship, display continuous respect for themselves and others, and display leadership characteristics on their adaptive sports team.  The Scholar Athlete award will be given to individuals in need of financial assistance for their college tuition.  The Making a Difference scholarship will be given to individuals that are trying to improve their own lives or improve the lives of others around them.

American Association on Health and Disability  
The on AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship Health and Disability is awarded annually to a deserving  student with a disability who is pursuing undergraduate/graduate studies (must be at least enrolled as a Junior in college) in an accredited university who is pursuing studies related to the health and disability, to include, but not limited to  public health, health promotion, disability studies, disability research, rehabilitation engineering, audiology, disability policy, special education and majors that will impact quality of life of persons with disabilities.
(301) 545-6140

Appel Law Firm Auto Accident Survivor Scholarship  
Appel Law Firm offers an annual scholarship to college and graduate students who have been survivors of car accidents https://www.appellawyer.com/practice-areas/motor-vehicle-accidents/ and have overcome their injuries. Each year we offer the Auto Accident Law Firm Survivor Scholarship. The winner receives $1,000 towards their school tuition.
(925) 938-2000

AvaCare Medical Scholarship
At AvaCare Medical, we're showing our appreciation to those who are studying medicine - especially those who are disabled themselves - by offering an annual scholarship of $1,000 for students in the medical and healthcare field. When choosing winners, we will give preference to students with a physical disability.

Birth Trauma, Neonatal Injury and Disability Scholarship
As part of our ongoing commitment to heighten awareness and understanding of preventable birth injuries, Reiter & Walsh, P.C. is pleased to announce the continuation of their annual scholarship. A scholarship for financial assistance in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded each year to a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student who is influenced, in any way, by birth trauma, neonatal injury and disability.
(248) 593-5100

The Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation  
A $1000 to $2000 scholarship shall be awarded to two to three individuals with neurological disabilities, or the child of that person, for post high school education both spring and fall semester. Individuals suffering from a direct spinal cord injury or disease resulting in paralysis such as spinal tumors, strokes or aneurysms affecting the spinal cord, or spina bifida are given first priority. Other diseases and disorders that would be considered include MS, traumatic brain injuries, Parkinson's and cerebral palsy. Conditions such as ADHD or dyslexia do not qualify. Priority is also given to people living in Wisconsin, but scholarships still may be given out to individuals residing in the United States depending on the funds available.
262) 547-2083

Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C  Disability Scholarship  
The scholarship will award $1,000.00 to one student selected by our scholarship selection committee. The student must be attending an accredited college or university. The program is open to students of any age, with any type of disability, including but not limited to physical disabilities, medical conditions, mental or psychiatric conditions, speech and language, learning disabilities, behavioral conditions, and all other conditions.
(800) 606-1717

Craig Hospital Alumni Scholarship  
With support from the Denver Alumnae Chapter of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and other community contributions, graduates of Craig can apply for financial support for higher education from the Craig Hospital Alumni Scholarship Fund.

Crockett Law Group Passion for Compassion Scholarship
Amount Awarded: $1,000
Deadline: December 31, 2021
Eligibility: Applicant must be a legal or permanent resident of the U.S., have strong academic achievements, and demonstrated commitment to the community. Submission of essay and unofficial copy of college transcripts. For more information, please visit http://crockettlawgroup.com/scholarship/.
Description: The Crockett Law Group is sympathetic to the vulnerability of injured individuals and that is why we fight on their behalf against big insurance companies. We are looking for students who share our passion for compassion and can share something they have done to make a difference in their community.
Irvine, CA
(800) 900-9393

disABLEDperson, Inc. National Scholarship for College Students with Disabilities
In order to qualify for the disABLEDperson Scholarship, the student must be enrolled in a 2 or 4 years accredited college or university in the United States of America. They must be a matriculated student and attending school full-time and U.S. citizen. Part-time status is acceptable as long as the part-time attendance is due to their disability and not their financial situation (minimum of 6 credits for undergraduate, 6 credits for graduate). 
760) 420-1269

Google Lime Scholarship 
Google and Lime Connect are proud to partner to offer the Google Lime Scholarship for computer science students with disabilities. Recipients of the Google Lime Scholarship will each receive ac scholarship for the current academic year. Selected students will also be invited to attend the annual Google Scholars' Retreat at the Googleplex in Mountain View, California that summer. Candidates will also be considered for software engineering internship opportunities with Google. Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates' academic background and a demonstrated passion for computer science.

Harris Personal Injury Lawyers Scholarship
The attorneys at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. understand the difficult process of recovery after you've been seriously injured. They are offering a scholarship for college students who have been victims of a serious injury, and are committed to demonstrating a determination to rebuild their lives by attending college.

Hydrocephalus Association’s Scholarship
The Hydrocephalus Association’s Scholarship Program was established in 1994 to provide financial assistance to capable and promising young adults who live with the ongoing challenges and complexities of hydrocephalus. We are proud to offer a total of eleven scholarships annually in the amount of $1000 each. However, the number of awarded scholarships may vary each year depending on available funding. 

The cycle for the 2020 Scholarship Program has closed.
We will be accepting applications again in January, 2021. If you would like to receive a notification once our 2021 Scholarship Cycle opens, please email for your application.

The cycle for the 2020 Hydrocephalus Association Scholarship Program has closed.
We will be accepting applications again in January, 2021. If you would like to receive a notification once our 2021 Scholarship Cycle opens, please email us at:

Independence Foundation Scholarship
The Independence Foundation Scholarship was created to help individuals with physical disabilities pay for the ever growing expense of college. The Scholarship of $500 will be awarded to Three (3) individuals with a noteworthy physical disability.
(716) 685-3976       

Karman Healthcare Scholarship
The Karman Healthcare Scholarship Fund now provides students with the opportunity to earn two $500 scholarships per year*. This scholarship will apply to students this year who have a mobility disability, excelled academically and those who have a regard for disability awareness in America.
(626) 581-2235

Law Offices of Daniel Kim Scholarship 
The Law Offices of Daniel Kim Scholarship is open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year. One $5,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student dedicated to making a difference in their community. Applications will be reviewed by The Law Offices of Daniel Kim. Students must demonstrate a 3.0+ GPA and submit a 1,200+ word essay. Criteria for selection is based on originality and quality of the submission. The deadline to apply is 12/31/22 by 5 pm PT. The winner will be notified via email and phone by 1/15/23.
The Law Offices of Daniel Kim Scholarship - Apply (usaccidentlawyer.com)

Michigan Auto Law Scholarship
Michigan auto accident law firm is offering an annual scholarship for college students who were victims of car accidents earlier in their lives and who have overcome their injuries. Annual scholarship of $500 will be awarded to two applicants each year.
(888) 995-6680

NBC Universal Tony Coelho Media Scholarship
Thanks to a generous contribution from NBCUniversal, the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is proud to offer the NBCUniversal Tony Coelho Media Scholarship.  the NBCUniversal Tony Coelho Media Scholarship will offer eight (8) scholarships to 2nd year associate students; undergraduate sophomores, juniors, and seniors; and graduate students with disabilities who are interested in pursuing a career in the communications, media, or entertainment industry. Each recipient will receive $5,625 to help cover the cost of education at their current college or university.

Patient Care Medical Scholarships
Patient Care Medical is pleased to offer (3) $1,000 scholarships to students across the U.S. Their scholarship program (https://patientcaremedical.com/scholarships/)  aims to ease the financial burden of attending an institution of higher education by helping students pay for tuition and education-related expenses. To be eligible, scholarship applicants must be enrolled in, or plan to enroll in, an accredited college or university with the intent to pursue an Associate's, undergraduate, or graduate degree. Patient Care Medical encourages students who suffer from spinal cord injuries or mobility issues to apply for this scholarship. For more information regarding application details, visit their scholarship page online. 
Premier Catheter Supplies Scholarship
Premier Catheter Supplies is pleased to announce we will be offering (2) $1,000 scholarships to U.S. Students in 2020. Our aim is to assist students who are pursuing higher levels of education with tuition and education-related costs. To apply please answer the following essay prompt:  In 1,000 words describe your most meaningful achievements. How do they relate to your field of study and goals in the future?

Rehabmart.com $25,000 Scholarship Fund For Students With Disabilities, Health Science Students, or Special Needs Education  
Rehabmart.com, has established a $25,000 scholarship fund for students with disabilities (of any major), and for students pursuing a college degree in a health sciences/healthcare-related field, along with students pursuing special education degrees.

Rent A Knee Walker Scholarship
The COVID-19 global pandemic has shaken us at the core and threatens the way we all live our daily lives. As we overcome this crisis, we must stay unified to rebuild, strengthen, and overcome future challenges. Rent A Knee Walker wishes to support students with financial needs who must continue their education during one of the most challenging times we have faced collectively as a whole. What is it? For our inaugural year, the Rent A Knee Walker Scholarship Fund will be awarding two $500 scholarships to students who apply to the program to help cover their academic-related expenses. Who Can Apply? This scholarship is open to qualifying students currently enrolled in an accredited college/university that maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. All applicants must meet all the criteria outlined below and apply via our online portal. Two applicants will be selected at the end of each cycle for a $500 scholarship. 

Shook & Stone Scholarship  
Shook and Stone Law Firm is offering a $2,500 scholarship for students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. All applicants need to do is submit an essay (max 2,000 words) or a video (max two minutes) response to one of the following prompts:
1. How do personal injury attorneys benefit society?
2. Why is it important for injured individuals to have legal representation?
3. What poses the biggest personal injury risk for individuals? 
4. What options do injured individuals have, whether legal, physical, etc.? 
The submission deadline is July 1 , for the fall semester and December 1 , for the spring semester.  
(702) 766-6380

SpinLife Innovation in Motion Scholarship   
SpinLife Innovation in Motion Scholarship program designed to aid college students in their academic endeavors. The annual program will award one (1) $1,000 scholarship and one (1) $500 gift card to Spinlife.com and is open to students who are manual or power wheelchair users enrolled at an accredited 4-year institution.

Swim With Mike Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund scholarship  
Supports college scholarships for athletes who participated in organized competitive youth, high school or collegiate athletics and subsequently have sustained a life changing accident or illness (e.g. paralysis, blindness, cancer, amputation, head injuries). Scholarship recipients will meet the admissions standards at a four year or graduate level institution of higher learning. Following matriculation at the institution, the scholarship recipient shall maintain satisfactory progress towards their degree program and maintain a minimum grade point average of no less than 2.5 cumulative and the minimum required by their department to be considered "in good academic standing". Recipients will provide a copy of their cumulative transcript s well as a letter requesting renewal of their scholarship at the end of each academic year in order to receive aid in subsequent academic years.

Test Prep Insight Scholarship 
Test Prep Insight offers a one-time $1500 scholarship for students with a physical or mental disability. Applicants must be currently enrolled at or planning to attend a 2-4 year university, community college or graduate school program located in the United States. The minimum GPA required for application is 2.5, indicating that all candidates are in good academic standing.  For more information send email to info@testprepinsight.com or visit their website. 
Website: https://testprepinsight.com/scholarship/

University of Las Vegas, Nevada in Partnership with the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Spinal Cord Injury Scholarships 
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) in partnership with the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Institution provides scholarships for individuals with spinal cord injuries (non-hereditary/non-congenital SCI), who would like to go to college or graduate school.  The scholarship supports students who are seeking to earn undergraduate, masters, doctoral, and professional degrees.  The scholarship covers 100% in-state tuition. Out-of-state tuition is paid at 125% of in-state cost. Requirements include a 500-word essay on your personal, educational, and long-term goals, letter of recommendation, and documentation of disability. Contact UNLV Disability Resource Center for further information by email at: drcscholarships@unlv.edu

US Catheter Supplies Academic Scholarships
This annual scholarship opportunity extends to all undergraduate and graduate students (Master’s or Doctoral) currently enrolled or accepted at an accredited U.S. university. US Catheter Supplies encourages applications from students across all fields of study. A specialized committee within US Catheter Supplies will evaluate all submissions and select the recipient. Employees and relatives of US Catheter Supplies are not eligible to apply. The chosen recipient will be granted a $1,000 scholarship award. This financial backing is designed to ease the strain of educational costs, empowering the recipient to concentrate on their studies and chase their academic aspirations. Apply by December 1, annually. National Scholarship Contest | US Catheter Supplies National Scholarship

Younglove Law Group Scholarship
Younglove Law Group is offering a $1000 scholarship to students interested in pursuing a career in the legal field in order to help others. Requirements include a 500+ word essay describing your legal goals and inspiration for pursuing a legal career. What do you hope to achieve in the field? Applicants must be legal residents of the United States and have a GPA of at least 3.0. The winner will be required to provide proof of GPA and residency before the scholarship will be awarded. Please visit the following link to learn more about the eligibility requirements and deadline information.  Younglove Law Group Scholarship (ylginjury.com). Please contact their office at (949) 441-4000 with any questions. 

10. Special Needs Planning

10.1. Special Needs Trust Webinar; Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System Forum

How Can Special Needs Trusts Work For You? Presented on October 23, 2019

This webinar offered by the Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System discusses special needs trusts as a potential means of investing finances without jeopardizing disability benefits.  Special needs trusts are financial management tools that allow people to set up accounts, including investments, for themselves or a family member without jeopardizing their qualification for government benefits such as Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income.

10.2. Academy of Special Needs Planners

The purpose of this site, sponsored by the Academy of Special Needs Planners, is to provide a general overview of strategies parents and others can use to plan for their own futures and for those of family members with special needs.


10.3. Qualified Disability Trusts

State-by-state Qualified Disability Trust  (QDT) results in lower income taxes for the trust.  This site explains how a 'special needs trust' becomes a QDT.   Attorneys who are unfamiliar with Special Needs Trusts may not be aware of this particular advantage.

Commonwealth Community Trust-pooled special needs trusts managed in all states 


CCT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that administers affordable and efficient Pooled Special Needs Trusts (PSNT).  Our clients with special needs are served throughout the United States.

CCT was founded in 1990 by parents who have a son or daughter with special needs, along with concerned professionals.

CCT is managed by a Board of Directors who serves with a caring heart and without compensation.  The Board is comprised of at least two members who are related to an individual with special needs, legal and financial professionals, and experts who work in the special needs field.

Staff members are professionals who are knowledgeable about trust administration and the rules governing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid for clients who receive these means-tested government benefits.

Our Mission

CCT is committed to helping our clients, advocates, and professionals with integrity, reliability and discretion.

Our mission is to:

  • Provide people with special needs who live throughout the United States, and their families, a convenient, cost-effective framework for the administration of both Third-Party and First-Party Pooled Special Needs Trusts that supplement government entitlement programs such SSI and Medicaid.
  • Educate families, people with special needs, and professionals about the benefits of a pooled special need trust.
  • Award individuals with special needs who participate in the Charitable Fund Award with a monetary grant to be used for services, medication, and/or equipment.

Trust Administration Services are offered for:

Third-Party Pooled Special Needs Trust – established by a third party such as a family member or friend, and can be coordinated with an estate plan, life insurance policy or gift.

First-Party Pooled Special Needs Trust – established with the Beneficiary’s own funds (self-funded) from a personal injury award, workers’ compensation claim, inheritance, savings or Social Security back payment.  The Grantor can be the Beneficiary with special needs, a parent, grandparent, legal guardian, or the Court.  For Beneficiaries receiving Medicaid, this type of trust is sometimes referred to as a Medicaid payback trust.

Medicare Set Aside First-Party Pooled Special Needs Trust – established with a portion of the settlement from a workers’ compensation or liability lawsuit with an MSA nested inside a First-Party Pooled Special Needs Trust.

Military Survivor Benefit Plan First-Party Pooled Special Needs Trust – established with annuity payments from the Survivor Benefit Plan for the benefit of a dependent child who has special needs.

CCT is committed to providing:

  • Trust administration services that are cost effective, efficient and convenient
  • Expert knowledge of the ever-changing rules governing Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to protect benefit eligibility
  • Low minimum funding requirement of $5,000
  • Low administrative fees
  • The potential for growth as the funds are “pooled” for investment purposes
  • The opportunity for the Beneficiary to have an improved quality of life
  • Trustworthy and experienced staff who are sensitive to people living with special needs and their family members
  • An opportunity for the Grantor to provide his / her vision for the trust and the Beneficiary
  • Prompt processing of disbursement requests
  • Disbursements for the sole benefit of the Beneficiary

10.4. Find a Special Needs Attorney

Members of the Academy of Special Needs Planners all devote a significant part of their practices to working with individuals with special needs and with their families to plan for the future.....

Find a Special Needs Attorney  Search by state or fill out a form for assistance to locate an attorney in your area.

11. Telecommunications Assistance

11.1. Lifeline Program

Lifeline Program is a federal program which provides support to telecommunications companies that in turn offer discounts to millions of eligible consumers.


Approximately 2,000 telecommunications companies provide these discounts. Consumers can apply for these discounts through their telecommunications company.


Eligible households can receive up to $9.25 per month in discounts. Additional state support may be available. Approximately 2,000 telephone companies are eligible to provide these discounts. A household applies for the discounts through their telecommunications company. These companies are then reimbursed through the Lifeline Program.


12. Veterans Resources

12.1. VetsFirst

About VetsFirst

Our mission continues in the spirit of James J. Peters and his tireless work to help America's veterans.

Our mission continues in the spirit of James J. Peters and his tireless work to help America's veterans.

Our Mission

VetsFirst is a program of United Spinal Association that directly assists veterans and their eligible family members obtain the benefits they are entitled to, deserve and need.

We advocate for all generations of veterans, including individuals living with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries.

Our advocacy efforts go far beyond offering words of support and encouragement. We take this fight to Capitol Hill to bring attention to issues that matter most to the men and women who proudly served our country.

VetsFirst's network of National Service Officers provides free assistance, resources, and representation for veterans struggling to navigate the intricate and often confusing VA claims process.

We connect with over 2,000 veterans annually through our call center and online help desk. Our staff tackles each case individually, taking the time to discuss self-help tips and assist with questions on military separation, claims appeals, and state benefits. We offer assistance and representation in claims for benefits and services before the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, other Federal and state agencies and legal representation before the U. S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

In addition to providing individual support and counseling services, VetsFirst offers timely news and information across the spectrum of issues presently impacting veterans, including guides on self-help, state benefits, separating from the military, as well as exclusive feature stories on military health care and VA funding and compensation.

Our History

VetsFirst is an exciting new name for an existing United Spinal Association program. United Spinal, and now VetsFirst, has a long and illustrious history assisting and representing veterans and their eligible family members.

Unlike other organizations, United Spinal––a VA recognized veterans service organization––strives to ensure the organization remains an instrument for veterans rather an institution.

United Spinal's history began in 1946 when a group of paralyzed World War II veterans from New York City and the surrounding area banded together to raise awareness of the alarming plight of their fellow paralyzed veterans. Rejecting the poor treatment they received at their local VA hospitals, they led the charge for greater civil rights and independence, forming the congressionally chartered Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA). United Spinal, formerly known as Eastern Paralyzed Veterans of America (EPVA), was a chapter of PVA.

As the organization matured under the leadership of James J. Peters in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, United Spinal helped improve the quality of health care for veterans, backing words with deeds and dollars by winning denied benefits for individual vets and investing money in VA programs and infrastructure. These efforts have been a boon to every American with a disability.

In 1970, Peters convinced Life magazine to run a cover story exposing the deplorable conditions facing Vietnam veterans with spinal cord injuries at the Bronx VA Medical Center. The story sparked a national outrage and convinced Congress to raze the facility and build a brand new hospital with special attention to SCI. In 2005, the hospital was renamed in honor of Peters and his work to ensure all veterans receive quality health care.

In 2007, United Spinal created its VetsFirst program to better assist members and other veterans. In order to adapt to a changing world and economy United Spinal founded VetsFirst, Inc. in 2009. VetsFirst, Inc., a 501(c)(3) was created for the sole and express purpose of providing financial support to United Spinal's VetsFirst program.

Today, VetsFirst continues the important work to uphold the values, objectives and mission needed for our nation's veterans no matter when or where they served.

12.2. Wounded Warrior Project

The WWP provides vital assistance to severely injured service members at the critical time between their hospital recovery and their transition to civilian life back home.

12.3. Paralyzed Veterans of America's Veterans Benefits Department

VBD provides free, comprehensive benefits and medical counseling, assistance, and representation

12.4. The Independence Fund

The Independence Fund
Mission is to provide the tools, therapies, and guidance that those veterans severely injured in the Line of Duty are otherwise not receiving. The Independence Fund is an entirely 100%, All Volunteer Non-Profit whose Board of Directors is comprised entirely of Combat Veterans.

12.5. War Veterans Scholarship

The AFCEA Educational Foundation is pleased to offer the War Veterans Scholarships. These $2,500 scholarships, co-sponsored by Microsoft employees and the AFCEA Educational Foundation, are offered twice annually to active-duty service personnel, honorably discharged U.S. military veterans, reservists, and National Guard personnel who are disabled because of wounds received during service in Enduring Freedom-Afghanistan or Iraqi Freedom Operations.

12.6. Personal Money Service Veteran’s Scholarship

Personal Money Service Veteran’s Scholarship is a unique opportunity to support veteran who aim for superior educational heights.

This one-time payment of $1, 000 can help you deal with educational costs and excel in studies.

Who Can Apply for Scholarships for Veterans?

Applicants must:

  • Be an active duty member of the U.S. Military service or a veteran.
  • Be a high school senior or a high school graduate.
  • Be a legal resident or citizen of the U.S.
  • Not have previously earned a bachelor’s degree.

If these criteria are met Personal Money Service will accept any application for the scholarship.

How Do You Apply?

All applicant have to take several steps to participate:

  1. Write a post that explains why you should be awarded this scholarship.
  2. Add the link to Personal Money Service – https://personalmoneyservice.com/
  3. Make this post public on your Facebook or Youtube account
  4. Link to Personal Money Service Facebook or Youtube page
  5. Send your application to admin@personalmoneyservice.com

Make sure your application contains the following information:

  • First and last name;
  • Valid mailing address;
  • Proof of veteran or dependent status;
  • High school transcript;
  • Public link to your post.

12.7. Cars for Troops

Cars for Troops is a division of the MobilityWorks Foundation, known for assisting mobility-challenged individuals and assisting them with achieving mobility independence. The Cars for Troops Vehicle Donation Program was created to make the world more accessible for physically-challenged veterans and their families.

12.8. Segs4Vets

DRAFT's Segs4Vets program will present Segways to soldiers, Marines, airmen and National Guardsmen who lost limbs and sustained other disabling injuries serving our Nation in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

13. Wheelchair Donation

13.1. Wheelchair Donations Internationally

See our International wheelchair donation resources.